For the first time spa owner, the thought of working with chemicals might seem confusing or uncomfortable. Let us assure you that technology has made this chore incredible safe and easy.
Arctic Hot Tub
- Has Pumps that drive water through the hoses and out the jet nozzles into the tub and other pumps that suck the water back into the pressure system.
- Has heating system that the water passes through to raise its temperature.
- Has a filtering system to make sure that ONLY water makes its way back into the system.
The common denominator in all of these systems is the water.
Furthermore, unlike your bath at home where you put fresh water in each time, the water in your hot tub will only get changed 2 or 3 times a year. So, we need to make sure that it remains as pure and free from contaminants as possible.
4 Water Care Steps
To make sure that Hot Tub’s water remains as pure and free from contaminates as possible, follow these steps at least once a week.
Step 1 - Establish the proper pH level
pH measures how acidic your water is. If this isn’t balanced then you risk damaging your equipment, in particular heating elements, pump seals and the internal works on gas fired heaters.
The proper pH level for your hot tub should be between 7.2 and 7.8
All you have to do is dip a test strip in the water and compare the color to a chart that we’ll provide for you. Then, you follow a simple set of instructions to add a pH balancing agent.
High pH Readings
Poor Sanitizer Efficiency
Cloudy Water
Scale Formation
Rust Formation
Skin & Eye Irritations
Low pH Readings
Poor Sanitizer Efficiency
Corroded Metals/Equipment
Skin & Eye Irritation
Corroded Metals/Equipement
Destruction of Total Alkalinity
Step 2 – Measure Total Alkalinity
Alkalinity is the chemical mechanism that allows you to control your pH balance.
The ideal range is 80 to 120 parts per million.
All you have to do is dip a test strip in the water and compare the color to a chart that we’ll provide for you. Then, you follow a simple set of instructions to add an alkaline balancing agent.
High Total Alkalinity
Hard To Change pH
Cloudy Water
Scale Formation
Skin & Eye Irritations
Poor Sanitizer Efficiency
Low Total Alkalinity
Rapid Changes In pH
Corroded Metals/Equipment
Skin & Eye Irritation
Step 3– Sanitizing
You want to keep your water clean with chlorine at a ratio of about 3 to 5 parts per million.